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Smoking Tomatoes Soil

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Try out our "Just Add Water" Program today and see what all the hype is about. Nothing makes growing quality cannabis easier than this.

We offer Seed/Clone mix, veg mix, bloom mix, and more.
Only $20 Per Bag

We now offer a full line of soil including a seed/clone mix, a veg mix, and a bloom mix available from us and made by Morgan Composting. These soils are specifically engineered by the experts for medical grade marijuana. They are designed as a "Just Add Water" program and will make any farmer proud. This is the exact soil that Uncle Pete as well as his son Tyler uses. Thank you Tyler for this contribution to the seed club and for sharing your experience and knowledge with all of us.

This is literally as easy as 1,2,3.

1) Seedling and Clone Soil for our babies.

2) Veg Soil for our teenagers.

3) Bloom Soil for Flowering plants.

Sometimes we mix number 2 and number 3 in the same pot depending on plant and pot size. If it is the last transplant before flowering, we mix both soils.

We have 2 options here in Michigan. One in Prudenville, and the other in Mancelona. Just give us call to learn more. Cost is only $20 per bag for all 3 mixes: Seed/Clone soil, Veg soil, and Bloom soil. Morgan Composting has retailers all over and probably has one near you too. Click here to check out more locations to pick up this amazing "Just Add Water" product.

This is the simplest way to grow quality cannabis at home indoors or out. All of the plant's food is in the soil - only water is added until harvest. The grower just needs to ensure that the plant doesn't suffer water stress. Do not over water! Do not under water! It is that simple.

Why Would You Use Our "Just Add Water" Program?

Because it is cheaper and easier!!

This soil mixture can be used to provide all of the nutrients a plant will need to grow without the added expenses of nutrients. Our "Just Add Water" program is as simple as it gets and will make anyone a proud farmer. Plants are extremely capable of regulating the nutrients they need and when they need them (generally far more effective than a farmer) so why not capitalize on that?

The water-only program maximizes the natural efficiency that plants have to take more work away from the farmer, so they can enjoy more benefits of farming with far less work than even the simplest feeding programs.

Clones ready to be transplanted into Tyler's Soil

How Do I Get Started?

Germinate seeds or propagate clones in our Morgan Composting Seed/Clone soil. This soil has all the nutrients and microbial life your young plants will need. Just add PH adjusted water at 6.5. Seedling and Clone mix should be mixed in a bucket with a little water before adding to containers. This helps a LOT with water absorption.

When you are ready to transplant, you must determine how large you want to grow the plant because the soil is going to slowly break down over time and give the plant a set amount of food every day, so in short more soil = more food.

Available all over Michigan.


If growing smaller plants (under 4' tall x 18" wide, including pot height) transplant the clone directly into a 5 gallon pot rather than using a 1 gallon transitional pot. The super soil is only going to feed your plant efficiently if it has good root development within the soil, so allow your plants to grow into that space steadily. Be careful not to water too heavily after the initial transplant.

Larger plants (under 5' tall x 3' wide, including pot height) should be grown in at least 10 gallon pots. A smaller 1 gallon transition pot is highly recommended for best results. Plants larger than this should be grown in at least 20 gallons of soil.

True Living Organic Soil

Maintaining Your Plants

Most of the work is done once you have transplanted your seedling or rooted clone into this super soil. Maintaining your plant from here is routine. It is important to understand that this soil generally gives farmers the healthier plants they desire. Plants are capable of superior growth with this complete diet due to thicker cell walls that tolerate and even thrive when we are bending, topping, and training our plants. Overall training is a breeze when combined with the superior growth experienced with a complete program like this. Finding the same availability when using various nutrient programs is near impossible for even the experienced farmer. Bottled products can be quite effective for some farmers, but require years of experience to develop the perfect formula. Tyler's soil takes all the guess work out - especially when it is combined with the six strains that he will be featuring right here on the Michigan Marijuana Seed Club website. These strains are proven to perform with his soil.

Only $20 Per Bag

My Plant Outgrew The Container, What Do I Do ?

The simplest solution is to top feed your plant by adding some more fresh soil to the container or to transplant to a larger container if you are still in vegetative growth.

If you are out of room in the container and your plant needs a boost, our soil is still capable of taking in other nutrients. Pick any base nutrient and cal-mag product that you are familiar with and feed twice at 50-75% strength and your plants will come back in no time! The same can be said if you are experiencing any strain-specific deficiencies - you are still able to supplement anything you should need in addition to the soil.

Salts build up in the soil when you used bottled nutrients and they can lock nutrients within the root zone, preventing plants from feeding efficiently. When you use super soils you have fewer salts in your soil and plants can use supplemental nutrients more efficiently, saving you money every step of the way!

What About Flushing? Will Nutrients Remain In My Product?

The best part about plants maintaining themselves is they don't take up what they can't use, so there aren't any residual nutrients in the plant at harvest. If you do have to use a supplemental feed for any reason, follow normal flushing procedure to remove those salts from your root zone. 

Where Do I Get This Soil?

While we would love to meet every customer and sell them their soil, there are many locations available outside of our 2 locations in Prudenville and Mancelona Michigan.

Complete grow tent set up.
Order your complete set up today by clicking on the picture above.

Outdoor Soil Preparation

Outdoor farming can be a challenge in any climate. Before concerning ourselves with those conditions and challenges, the first step is to choose what soil we are putting in our holes. Assume that your local soil is not superior to a quality soil mix like ours. Digging a 3' x 3' hole and adding a full yard of our soil will assure that your plant has all it needs while utilizing what is available already in your soil. Starting with a solid root system and all the building blocks of life by utilizing our mix can assure you a successful harvest at the end of the season. It sure takes a lot more than good soil to be successful, but it is the place to start.

Contact us if you are interested in Tyler's soil. It is available for club members only and can be delivered to your home or picked up by you at Morgan Composting.

Living soil full of organic nutrients is the best place to start with any cannabis farm.



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